Cyberprog New Media
Web Design & Hosting for Small Business
For Sale
- Dell Precision Workstation 410MT
- Dual P2-400Mhz CPU's
- Memory:
- Slot 1: 256MB ECC SDRAM
- Slot 2: Free
- Slot 3: Free
- Slot 4: Free
- Max of 1GB ECC
- On SCSI Interface #1 (Adaptec AIC-7890)
- ID0: 9.1GB Quantum Atlas IV 9 WLS
- ID2: 9.1GB Quantum Atlas IV 9 WLS
- On SCSI Interface #2 (Adaptec AIC-7880)
- ID1: Pioneer Super 32x Slot Loading SCSI
- Onboard Sound
- Onboard 10/100 LAN
- Expansion:
- 5 PCI Slots(PCI #4 has an RaidPort slot)
- 1AGP
- 1 ISA
- PCI Matrox Graphics (2Mb)
- Dell Chassis with Floppy & PSU.
Currently running Windows 2000 Server without any
drives needed to install.
Click for an larger image. |
£130 - £10 P&P